8th World Conference on Teaching and Education
06 – 08 June 2025
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Why you should add WORLDCTE to your education conferences calendar

The magnificent city of Cambridge, United Kingdom will be the host of the 8th edition of WORLDCTE – the World Conference on Teaching and Education. Scholars, scientists, researchers, and graduate and post-graduate students from around the world will come together on the 06th-08th of June to share their unique perspectives and experiences, inspire and learn from each other, uncover new trends, discuss common challenges, and brainstorm creative solutions.

This education conference presents academics with a chance to get published in prestigious indexed journals, meet potential collaborators for future research projects, add depth and scope to their knowledge, and actively contribute to the future of education.

WORLDCTE is a must-attend international conference on education. Now in its fifth year, it has a proven track record of delivering high-quality programs and a dynamic learning environment that is built around the principles of open-access knowledge sharing and community building.

If you can’t make it to the United Kingdom, we encourage you to register as a virtual attendee/presenter. WORLDCTE is the education conference of 2025 to put on your calendar.

education conference

education conference

The #1 education conference of the year

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 7 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

 Abstract submission Deadline
 16 May 2025 
 Conference Dates
  06 - 08 June 2025  
 Registration Deadline
 27 May 2025 
Conference Venue
Gonville & Caius, University of Cambridge.

Teaching and education Conference Topics

This premier conference will cover a range of themes, including, but not limited to:

  • Adult Education
  • Art Education
  • Business
  • Course Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Research and Development
  • Educational Foundations
  • Education Policy and Leadership
  • E-Learning
  • Gaming
  • Language Teaching (ELTFLT)
  • Global Issues in Education and Research
  • ICT
  • Inclusive Education
  • Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology
  • Research in Progress and Research Management.
education conference

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting.Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.

Publication Oppourtuinties

The Abstracts of all accepted & registered papers will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with ISBN Number. Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ, and many more, or as a Book Chapter.

  • Each Paper will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
  • The abstract book/proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
  • All accepted & registered papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN Number.
  • All registered papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals.

Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics

education conference

The 8th World Conference on Teaching and Education follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/

WORLDCTE Keynote Speakers

education conference

Dr. Scott. J. Threlfall

University of Bolton: UK
School of Education

Proposed Topic:

Teacher Noticing and Professional Vision: Leveraging Video Observation Technology to Advance the Reflective Skills and Pedagogical Practices of Pre-service Trainee Teachers.

Assistant Professor and currently the Programme Leader for a suite of Masters in Education programmes. A vastly experienced educational leader with a background in sport, teaching and learning, initial teacher education, and the continued professional development of colleagues. Leads on national and international academic networks for supporting teaching, learning and scholarly activity, and currently acts as a peer reviewer for three international journals. Always positive, energetic, and passionate about the privilege that is education. Research interests include reflective practice and teacher noticing.

education conference

Dr. James Tanoos

Clinical Associate Professor, Purdue University (Indiana, USA)

Proposed Topic:

Enhancing Intercultural Competence: Preparing American Students for European Cultures

James Tanoos, Ph.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor at Purdue University in Indiana, USA. He has worked in various roles in higher education for more than 20 years, earning his Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University, his Master’s degree from Indiana University, and his Doctorate from Purdue University.
He has published articles in more than forty-two international journals and has presented academic work at more than twenty-seven international academic conferences on a range of disciplines including international economics, supply chain management, educational pedagogy, operations management, and industrial technology, including the invited keynote presentation at five international conferences. As a longtime advocate of undergraduate research experiences, he is an instructor/mentor for Purdue’s CURE, OUR Scholars, and DUIRI programs. Jim participates in editorial reviews for several global academic journals and is a peer-reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission in Chicago, IL. He is passionate about globalizing American youth, and many of his study abroad trip reports can be found on his website at jimtanoos.com.

WORLDCTE Past Speakers

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Dr. Stefano Sandrone

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Associate Professor Marek Lukáč

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Assoc. Prof. Giang T. Phi

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Dr. Rania Muhamad Qassrawi

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Dr. Wong Pui Man Molly

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Dr. Jyothi Thalluri

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Dr. Yung-Hsun Cheng

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Dr. Perizat Yelzhanova

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Dr. Breda McTaggart

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Prof. Dr. Lucia Herrera Torres

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Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Lorenzo Quiles

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Dr. Rania Muhamad Qassrawi

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Prof. Samuel Galdón López

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Dr. Deborah Olufunmilayo Makinde

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Dr. Kedmon Hungwe

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Assoc. Prof. Lýdia Simanová

Participation opportunities at the top education conference 2025

Present your findings on the world stage

Joining as a speaker gives you an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the international community of peers. Can’t come out to the event? Join as a virtual presenter.

Network with the international community

Teaching and education conference is a truly inclusive network that gathers members of academia from all over the world. Learn from a diverse range of perspectives and find new career opportunities.

Engage in thought-provoking discussions

Learning doesn’t stop when presentations do. It happens before, during, and after presentations. Discuss the latest industry trends and address common challenges.

Receive feedback on your latest research

Present your poster at the international teaching and education conferences 2025 and source valuable insights into your research from world-renowned members of academia and fellow researchers.

City tour

The Organizing Committee will offer all participants a city tour free of charge, so learn about Cambridge’s vibrant past and present, with a friendly local guide.

If you cannot physically attend the conference, join us and give a live stream Virtual Presentation via the conference Webinar platform

If you cannot attend our conference but still wish to have your paper presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings, we offer a virtual presentation option for your convenience.

education conference

Register Now

For one of the most anticipated international education conferences 2025

Registration Deadline

27 May 2025

  • Authors (Students): 360 £
  • Authors (Regular): 420 £
  • Listener: 160 £
  • Virtual Presentation: 160 £
  • Extra Papers: 75 £

An international conference on education for the world's leading academics

education conference

Why Cambridge?

  • International conference on education and teaching
  • One-Day City Tour Free of Charge!

Cambridge combines a rich history with the vibrancy and prosperity of outstanding educational institutions and modern businesses. It is an inspiring and attractive place in which to live and work. It is at the heart of a buoyant sub-region which is an area designated for major growth in employment and housing.
The City of Cambridge is in the East of England, 50 miles north of London. A beautiful place to live and work, Cambridge is a historic University City and market town with high quality architecture and attractive open spaces. It is also a city of national importance, being a world leader in higher education and many 21st century industries – information technology, telecommunications and commercial research, particularly the biotechnology sector.

News and event announcements

Dinning in Cambridge

Pint Shop Opened in 2013 by Richard Holmes and Benny ...

Cambridge Hidden Gems

The Blue Ball, Grantchester While vast swathes of Cambridge's pubs ...

Cambridge Attraction

Famous the world over for its university, Cambridge lays claim ...

Types of Presentation

The program committee will schedule all oral and poster sessions ...
English Language Teaching Conference

10% Discount

Teams of 3+ participants receive a 10% discount on the delegate passes ...

Conference Schedule

Dear Conference attendees, The detailed Conference Program will be sent ...