Foreign language teaching conference

Hundreds of members of academia, scientists, researchers, scholars, non-profit members, and government agencies’ representatives will gather on the 06-08 of June in Cambridge, United Kingdom at the foreign language teaching conference. Inspiring speakers, latest research findings, engaging networking, unparalleled learning opportunities -FLT conference 2025 is the ideal setting to bring yourself up to date on the most crucial developments in the field of education, teaching, and learning.

With a long history of putting together premier academic events, we have partnered up with numerous universities and scientific communities to design an event of superb quality that serves the international community as a platform for the free flow of ideas and cross-border learning.

foreign language teaching conference

foreign language teaching conference

FLT Conference Themes and Topics

The conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Adult Education, Art Education, Business, Course Management, Curriculum, Research and Development, Educational Foundations, Education Policy, and Leadership, E-Learning, Gaming, Global Issues in Education and Research, ICT, Inclusive Education, Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment, Language Teaching (ELT/ FLT), Pedagogy, Psychology, Research in Progress and Research Management. Other related topics will also be considered.


Paper Publication Opportunity

The Abstracts of all accepted & registered papers will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with ISBN Number. Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ, and many more, or as a Book Chapter.

Benefit From foreign language teaching conference

Present your findings on the world stage

Joining as a speaker gives you an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the international community of peers. Can’t come out to the FLT conference 2025? Join as a virtual presenter.

Network with the international community

FLT conference 2025 (WORLDCTE) is a truly inclusive network that gathers members of academia from all over the world. Learn from a diverse range of perspectives and find new career opportunities.

Receive feedback on your latest research

Present your poster at the FLT conference 2025 and source valuable insights into your research from world-renowned members of academia and fellow researchers.

Engage in thought-provoking discussions

Learning doesn’t stop when presentations do. It happens before, during, and after presentations. Discuss the latest industry trends and address common challenges.

Foreign Language Teaching Conference Media Partner